My favorite podcasts for media professionals

Podcasts are a great way to stay both informed and entertained when you’re always on the go. Not having time to sit down and read an article should not mean you have to sacrifice a learning opportunity. When your livelihood relies on constantly refreshing your knowledge and your approach to work, it’s important to carry some secret weapons in your arsenal so you can stay on your A-game. Here are my favorite podcasts at the moment that help me keep my iron sharp:

Vox: Today Explained

Staying true to Vox’s style of breaking down the news, “Today Explained” brings Vox into the audio space seamlessly. Each episode brings you the fundamentals on popular topics, more than enough to hold your own during happy hour or water cooler conversations. The daily show features guest interviews, a splash of humor, drama and more. Politics are not my strong point, so I love it for getting a better understanding of big issues that can be difficult to navigate. Think of it as a launchpad to start your own deep-dive session.


The Daily by the New York Times

For twenty minutes a day, 5 days a week, The Daily explores the headline du jour through the lens of news and politics. Its frequency is the next best thing to watch live news coverage. The segments range from multi-part investigations to historical recaps and interviews with high-profile figures. You won’t miss a beat when it comes to the nuts and bolts of the latest story coming out of Capitol Hill, from the Mueller investigation to Supreme Court rulings, old and new. I like that it also includes international affairs, giving you a broader worldview on the reach of American politics. It may be hard to compete with a rapidly changing news cycle, but this will keep you up to date with new episodes posted at 6 a.m. sharp.



On the 1st and the 15th, you can count on Joymarie Parker and Courtney Cleveland to give you great advice on how to get the most out of your career. They will school you on how to get your foot in the door, stand out while climbing the ladder, and manage your finances along the way. My favorite part is the “Rants, Raves and Review” segment, where they discuss the things they hate/love at the moment. Here’s where you’ll find out about some cool tech and tools that they’ve used to make their work lives easier. More importantly, they believe in striving toward balance and making sure you are just as fulfilled in your personal life. Listen as the the duo shares refreshing conversations with expert guests who just get “it” and aren’t afraid to share the major keys that helped them be successful. Even the most harsh and eye-opening advice is  given with one mission: to see us win.


Black Girl Podcast

Black Girl Podcast follows the lives of 5 women who chronicle the rollercoaster ride of dream chasing in the big city. After meeting through work at Hot 97, one of the biggest hip-hop radio stations in NYC, Gia Peppers, Scottie Beach, Sapphira, Bex, and Alysha P moved on to work in different sectors of media and entertainment. Their friendship allows for their diverse personalities to work in tandem. Hearing them talk is reminds me of my very own convos with friends. It’s like tuning into an audio diary as they get intimate with their discussions on relationships, failures, successes, and hot takes on whatever’s going on in the Twitter streets. No lie, if this podcast is on, you can find me in the car talking back like I’m a part of the discussion. The show is unpolished, encouraging and a reflection of the power of keeping a strong village. Their personal journeys motivate me to find that same energy, carve my own path and write some success stories on my own.


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