Dark skin needs sunscreen too! #ProtectYourMelanin

Sunscreen is a beauty product that addresses a number of skincare concerns, especially those of women of color.

Melanin, the protective pigment in our skin that gives us that brown color, allows us to not worry about fines lines and wrinkles in our 20s and 30s, but we are especially prone to things like uneven skin, hyperpigmentation, and dark marks/scarring. 

The sun can take those issues from 0 to 100. Thankfully, SPF can shield your skin from further exposure to harsh UV rays, and with the proper skin care routine, give it time to heal.

You and your friends getting excited about how poppin' your skin will be with all this sun protection :)

UV rays do not discriminate. Melanin also acts as a filter and allows for less UV rays to penetrate our skin. This means people of color may not burn very quickly, but we can still get burned. The darker your skin is, the less likely you are to recognize signs of sunburn. Instead of the usual redness, sunburned dark skin may feel hot, tight, and painful.

Studies also show that since people with darker skin tend to put on less sunscreen, we often develop more aggressive forms of skin cancer that go undetected for longer periods of time. Dermatologist Dr. Jeanine Downie told Teen Vogue, “People with skin color are not as rapidly diagnosed. Therefore, skin cancers for people of color lead to greater morbidity and mortality.” Understanding the signs of sunburn and being proactive about protection is crucial to having healthy skin.

Regardless of color, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends applying a sunscreen with minimum of SPF 30, and reapplying every couple of hours. You can also purchase facial moisturizers that contain SPF.

There’s one major factor that steers many people away from wearing sunscreen: most commercial brands are pasty and whitish-grey (and let’s face it, nobody wants to look ashy!) Thankfully, the beauty/skincare market is expanding to include a range of more inclusive options.

Tip: To avoid that filmy look, lean toward sunscreens with more of a sheer or liquid consistency.

It may take some trial and error to find your perfect match, so here’s a great list of dark skin-friendly sunscreens from Byrdie.com to help you achieve that gorgeous glow year round.

Sit back, relax, and get your shine on ✨

xo, Joyce


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